More car park woes in Camber


Dear Sirs
I just wondered if you have received or know of a problem with Camber western carpark always shutting early?
I moved to the area in November 2016 and visit Camber two or three times a week, usually after work in the summer to walk my dogs. Last year, the car park was always shut!
I contacted the council who said it shouldn’t be.
I went last night at 4:55pm, lovely evening, but the gates were shut! The lady was there so I asked why. She said they only paid until 5pm!
But it is being run by a new company hence all the ticket machines and signs? Online it states you can get in until 6pm with all gates shut at 8pm. The other car park is always open. Dog walkers are penalised as we can’t use the other end of the beach! So I have emailed the council AGAIN today.
Trudi Broughton

Photo: Rye News library

Image Credits: Kenneth Bird .

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