Free valuation for collectables


Start digging in those attics and outbuildings. On Wednesday January 23 at The River Haven Hotel, Quayside, Winchelsea Rd, Rye, between 11am and 3pm the auctioneers, Lockdales will be holding a specialist valuation day.

They will be looking at the following types of collectables: coins, stamps, banknotes, clocks, watches, silver, gold, documents, books and maps (pre-1900), medals and militaria also including swords, bayonets and de-activated/antique weapons, cigarette-cards, postcards, pre-1960 sports programmes and tickets and scientific instruments.

Members of the public will have the option to consign their goods to be sold in a future public auction, or they may request a cash purchase offer from Lockdales themselves. Valuations at this event will be provided entirely free without any obligation to sell. High-quality illustrated auction catalogues from previous sales will be given away on a complimentary basis in order for the public to get a better idea of the services Lockdales provides.

Lockdales has been holding six auctions per year since 1997, and has grown to become one of the UK’s leading specialist auction houses, with an annual turnover in excess of two million pounds.

Hundreds of valuation days have been conducted all over the UK, and some very rare and interesting items are often brought by the public to these events. One item in particular, a unique gold coin from the Dark Ages, was brought along to a previous event. The owner was not aware of the value of it and it was later sold by Lockdales on its owners’ behalf at auction for more than £19,000.

For more information contact Lockdales’ Ipswich Offices on 01473 627110 , or send an email to

Image Credits: Lockdales .

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