Lamb House celebrates successful season


Many of the volunteers at Lamb House gathered together on Thursday last week (October 25) to celebrate a very successful first season, following its reopening by the National Trust in June. Senior Visitor Experience Officer Jennifer Hatton (pictured with volunteers) thanked everyone for their support and help during what had proved to be a busy period, and they in turn expressed appreciation of the enthusiasm of all the Lamb House team, including Danial Domaine(House Steward),Judith Tosland (Visitor Experience Officer)and Ellen Fletcher (Tea Room)

Everyone enjoyed a sumptuous Bring and Share Lunch, which included Jennifer’s chocolate fudge-delight torte. The cakes she regularly makes each week for the volunteers’ tea breaks have been much appreciated.

Lamb House will be opening on December 1, 2, 8, 9, 15 and 16 11am to 4pm (last entry half hour before closing) for “A Jamesian Christmas at Lamb House.” Visitors will be able to see the house decorated for an Edwardian Christmas, enjoy a warm drink and the festive atmosphere in the house and garden.
If anyone would like to join the friendly Lamb House team in a number of roles please contact Jenny ( or sign up online.

Image Credits: Sandra Lanigan .

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