New wine merchant opens doors


Piers Plowden, a wine importer and wholesaler has moved into the vacant property at 26 Landgate, previously and briefly inhabited by Crêpes on the Corner. Piers has been looking for an appropriate premises for some time and hopes that this newly spruced up, elegant shop will fit the bill.

The opulent showroom displays fine wines from around the world, include some local to Sussex and Kent. Some magnums of meaty reds looked tempting and prices seemed reasonable for this quality, most in the £10-20 range, with some fine wines commanding a lot more.  Please note, this is not the kind of off -licence where you can stagger in off the train at 9pm on a Friday and pick up a few tinnies for the weekend. It is altogether a more up-market and refined experience.

Some readers may have attended wine tastings at Lamb House which Piers ran. Look out for a launch event at the end of the month.  And let’s hope that fine wines prove more popular with local residents and visitors than crêpes did, helping this independent, local business to thrive.

Photos: Seana Lanigan

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