A right royal knees-up


Residents of Market Street held a party on Saturday, June 18 in celebration of HM Queen Elizabeth’s recent 90th birthday. Passers-by were warmly invited to join in and many did, including visitors from France and Germany. Cakes and ale, sausage rolls and fruit cup, even quails’ eggs and champagne were produced and consumed.

Musical entertainment was provided by Tony Pape on the piano accompanying his students, singing and playing the violin and saxophone, concluding with a rousing rendition of “Rule Britannia” sung by all. Donations were invited in aid of Help for Heroes and Rye & District Community Transport, raising a total of £180, to be shared equally.

The organisers were Penny Mitchell-Innes and Anthony Mann, (seen in the photo wearing red jumper and Union Jack decorated hat). He was delighted with the turn-out. “We did it for the  Millennium and the Queen’s Jubilee”, he said,”but perhaps we should do it every year”.


photo: Kenneth Bird

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