Swap shop’s 4th anniversary


The Recycle Swap Shop tradition is now well established in Rye, having been running four years, and Saturday, October 15 was no exception.


At St Mary’s Centre 166 people turned up and took away a whopping 316kg of “stuff”.  For those unfamiliar with the idea, the swap shop gives the opportunity to bring along unwanted items or take away anything that might be useful. It’s not compulsory either to bring or take and no money changes hands, though a small donation towards the running costs is welcome. The idea of everything being free bewilders some – it seems too good to be true but once the reasoning behind this worthwhile project is explained, people become enthusiastic converts. To prove that the swap shop is making a difference, goods on the way out are weighed – again something that is readily accepted once when people know what it is for. Usable items left over at the end were taken to local charity shops (149kg),  the recyclable material amounted to 70kg and only a small quantity went to landfill (33kg).

After the excitement of hunting for treasures among the tables set out with a myriad of interesting goods there was the chance to relax with a cup of Fair Trade tea or coffee and biscuits.
Since the first Recycle Swap Shop in 2012, more than 3,500 people have attended, reusing two thirds of the 8.6 tonnes of items donated. Most of the leftovers have gone to charity shops, leaving just 8 per cent to be recycled and 5 per cent for landfill. We’re looking forward to making our plans for 2017, but there’s one more to come still in 2016 – please put November 26 into your diary and make a note to head for Tilling Green Community Centre, having checked your cupboards and closets in case there’s anything to bring along. Doors open 9:30am and it’s best not to come too late!


Photo: Kenneth Bird

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  1. Well done to Mike Pepler who set up Swap Shop and also ‘Green Drinks’ that takes place in Rye on 15th of each month at Queens Head 19.30.

    A fantastic initiative.


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