Arsonists quizzed about funds


With Guy Fawkes Night in Rye (November 10) around seven weeks away thoughts must turn to raising money to burn, and the drummers have been practicing – as the Festival of the Sea demonstrated.

But, as summer turns to autumn, the diary is full both with outdoor events winding down and indoor events returning (even without the Rye Arts Festival) and here are just a few.

Next week sees a Fun Quiz for the Bonfire Society on Wednesday 26 September (7 for 7:30pm) in the Mermaid’s Tudor Room, and teams can be up to 6 persons at a cost of £3 per head – with a raffle and nibbles on the night.

Booking may be wise and the contacts are Ruth on 07723 455596 or Joan
on 07900 955778.


The Literary Society are back tonight (Friday September 21) in the Court Hall at 7 for 7:30 pm with Lord Gawain Douglas on “Shakespeare’s Sonnets : The wastes of time”. Non-members welcome.

Also in Winchelsea the last of the summer’s Open Gardens are on Saturday September 22 at Kings Leap in Castle Street and Rye View at The Strand. For the National Gardens Scheme charity, 1-5pm.

Old Scholars

Also on Saturday the Rye Old Scholars gather at the cricket pavilion on the Salts, Fishmarket Road in Rye, from 7pm. Tickets £10 on the door include supper, music and raffle, and the scholars include the Grammar, Secondary Modern and Thomas Peacocke Schools from the 60s.


On Sunday September 23 there is afternoon tea at the Bowls Club opposite The Bell from 2-5pm in aid of breast cancer with a raffle, tombola, tea, coffee and cake.

Image Credits: John MInter .

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