Community Transport’s new direction


 Rye & District Community Transport held a specially convened extraordinary general meeting in Rye Town Hall on Tuesday January 9.

The business was to elect new directors to serve on the management committee of the company, a registered charity, in place of those who were standing down.

The new team comprises Neil Cunliffe, Michael Miller, Kenneth Bird and Barry Nealon. They were elected on a show of hands by the appointed representatives present out of some 23 voluntary organisations in the district who are members.

Barry Nealon took the chair and promised his commitment towards ensuring the continued sustainability of this vital community bus service. He invited questions from the floor and, having responded, he then thanked Shaun Rogers the outgoing chairman and his team for the work that they have put in.

Pat Hughes, Operations Manager, said later “I look forward to working with the new team.”

In response to a question following the meeting, Barry Nealon said: “A dispute had arisen between the Management Committee and  the Operations Manager as to the level of delegated authority she had in  carrying out her duties. This escalated to the point that it threatened the continuation of this vital community service.

The Members met at an Extraordinary General Meeting and came to the view that the most  sustainable way forward was to agree a change in the Management Committee, which the Members enacted through its voting powers.

The  new Committee is respectful of the commitment and dedication of the retiring committee and will seek to enact many of the measures in a collaborative manner.”

Rye Community Transport contact:

Source: Rye and District Community Transport

Photo: Kenneth Bird

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  1. This must be a welcome development to ensure the effective governance of this vital local service. The four directors who have put themselves forward should be congratulated for taking on the role. As someone directly involved with at least two of the membership organisations (dating from the 1990s?) and others presently not listed, the administration of Rye Community Trnsport has been rather opaque. It is hoped that the new Board will report more fully on its status and for transparency, convene an early AGM for existing and prospective members. Many of the 50 or so organisations in Rye have an interest in community transport and I am sure, like myself, are unaware of the challenges it faces.
    Anthony Kimber PhD
    President Rye RBL
    Chair Friends of St Mary’s
    Chair REACT
    Vice Chair Rye NP


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