On course for October


The Rye branch of the Workers’ Educational Association autumn 2014 courses for adult learners are about to start. All are at St Mary’s Centre, Lion Street, Rye, unless otherwise stated.

Starting Monday October 6, at 2.30pm, is The Houses and Workplaces of Ordinary People of Sussex 1300-1750  in which by popular demand David and Barbara Martin return to share their latest research on domestic medieval architecture in the county, with reference to some buildings in Rye, in a fascinating course of 10 weekly two-hour sessions.

And on Tuesday October 7, David Derrington returns with Think Again! The Hitchhikers Guide to Philosophy. This is a chance to explore philosophy and how it relates to your daily life and isn’t a dry chronological study of dead philosophers and their specific thoughts! The 10 weekly sessions are from 10.30am to 12.30pm.

Also starting on Tuesday October 7, 2-4pm, is another intriguing weekly course is The Story of China, where Karen Chang looks back on the new superpower’s past in which it for so long led the West in terms of sciences, arts, philosophy and culture.

On Friday October 13 Practical Gardening returns, starting at 11.15am, at Udimore village hall. Have fun while you learn and enjoy a lovely cup of tea and cake in friendly company!

There is also a course that meets once a month for a three-hour session. Starting at 1.30pm on Thursday October 9, Burning Issues is a fun discussion group on current affairs.

For more information and course costs, including concession details, ring Andy Stuart on 01797 223831 or email.



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