Last chance for RNP comments


Friday January 11, is the last day for the public to comment on Rye’s Neighbourhood Plan (RNP). The Plan has been developed over a number of years and was discussed at Rother District Council’s cabinet meeting on December 17.

Rother’s cabinet said the Plan was “comprehensive, well-researched and covered a wide range of complex issues which set out a blueprint for the town to 2028” and congratulations were extended to Rye Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group, Vice-Chair Colonel Kimber, consultants and council planning officers for the amount of work and effort that had gone into the production of the Plan.

The Plan identifies six sites where it aims to provide 160 dwellings, 40 of which are to be built at Rye Harbour. Thirty dwellings are proposed at the Freda Gardham School site and additional housing at the former Lower School site.

Ten areas within the Plan have been identified as “local green spaces” (LGS) because of their “environmental character, local recreational facilities and as a source of biodiversity”. Rother’s cabinet questioned the identification of Gibbets Marsh overspill car park as an LGS. Members considered that the river corridor constituted an important LGS but the overspill car park provided much needed additional car parking during the busy summer visitor periods and believed it should remain a car park.

You can submit your comments on Rye’s Neighbourhood Plan here.

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  1. Its a pity that the website for the RNP is appalling, absolutely no thought put into it at all.
    Lots of links and acronyms and try find the form to send some feedback? I gave up in the end and sent my comments to Rye Town Council.

  2. I simply want to thank Anthony Kimber for the enormous amount of time, thought and effort that he has put into the Rye Neighbourhood Plan. He is retired and has done this voluntarily, for the good of the community rather than himself. He does not need to do this and he does not need the vilification that sometimes goes with it.


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