A minute’s silence and flowers


Many people have commented already, or will comment, on the death of John Izod  as he will leave an obvious gap in many organisations (not least the Town Council)  – and a public memorial service will take place at St Mary’s Church on May 4 at 11am. There will be a private cremation on May 3.

The day after the memorial service, May 5, the Town Council will formally publish the Casual Vacancy Notice to replace him on the council and, if there is to be no election, the vacancy will be filled by  co-option.

His varied activities and life were reported last week, when Rye News heard of his death, (and have also attracted some comments) but the man should be allowed to speak for himself – and, not surprisingly, he has, and it is very amusing.

One of his fondest activities, apart from conversations over a glass or two, was the Bonfire Society and Neale East adds his comments here:

“Farewell Mr John Izod; friend, artist, music fan, rugby fan, Bonfire Boy, raconteur, film star, dancer, supporter of the arts and local to the many ale houses of Rye.

We will miss your cantankerous humour, fine company and irreverence.

Mooching around Rye will not be the same without you beckoning us into a pub from the window to catch up on gossip.

Will raise a jug, or two, or three, in your honour dear boy…”

John was remembered at the start of this week’s Full Council Meeting on Monday in the Town Hall by a minute’s silence.

Some flowers (above) marked where John used to sit outside Grammar School Records, and there have been some suggestions that his memory, and all the work he did for the town, should be commemorated with a plaque nearby.

Earlier this year Rye’s Street Pastors encountered John. The Street Pastors , who patrol the streets of Camber and Rye late nights, every other weekend, reported that they had bumped into a lovely old gentleman with a white beard who was on his way from the Standard to the Ypres.

No one who read these notes could doubt for a second that this was John, even though he was not named, and a portrait of him hangs in the Ypres dining room.

He had been on the point of moving from Watchbell Street to Strand Court, allegedly because the journey from there to the Standard was safer than the journey from the Ypres back up to Watchbell Street – though he might have denied this!

Photo : Seana Lanigan

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  1. An exhibition of John’s drawings would be a wonderful tribute, perhaps together with reminiscences and stories people can recall, (where printable!)
    Best wishes
    Mary Smith


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