Porsche returns to RNLI


James and Belinda Richardson, a retired couple from London, returned to visit Rye Harbour Lifeboat crew following last year’s charity fundraising effort in their Porsche. Last year they had decided to combine their love of the RNLI, fundraising and driving their Porsche Splash to raise awareness of the charity they wholeheartedly support and to raise funds in 2018.

Building upon last year’s success they are setting out on a new challenge in 2019 followed by a different challenge for the next five years until 2024 when the RNLI will be celebrating its bicentenary. The purpose of these challenges is to raise awareness of the work that dedicated volunteers do 365 days a year and to raise funds via sponsorship, specifically to buy a D-Class lifeboat by 2024.

Last year the Richardsons drove to the 238 stations around the coast of the British Isles and this year their challenge is based in Scotland. They aim to drive anti-clockwise around the whole of Scotland including Shetland, Orkney and the Western Isles. This will entail visiting all 77 RNLI stations and travelling more than 2,800 miles in 19 days. They plan to set off on  August 23, 2019 at 9.11am and finish on September 11 at 9.11am

They visited four stations along the south coast this past week and received a warm welcome at Rye from the new LOM, (Lifeboat Operations Manager) Mark Hall, DLA (Deputy Launching Authority) Steve Griffiths, Mark Stephenson (fundraising manager at the station), Press Officer KT Bruce and a visiting family from Brighton. It was good to catch up and renew friendships forged last year and to support the new ventures.

You can find out more by visiting their website Rnli-911challenge.co.uk
and by donating through the link JustGiving pageRNLI-911challenge

Image Credits: kt Bruce .

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