Residents’ views sought


The steering group led by Rye Town Council is asking its working groups to respond to a third draft survey about the scope of the Rye Neighbourhood Plan. The survey will be issued in mid-June.

The survey will invite all local residents to help set priorities in eight areas, by saying whether they agree or disagree with the objectives so far identified.

At this stage the draft plan places great emphasis on the historical importance of Rye, both for residents and visitors to the area. It deals with housing priorities, environmental concerns, business enterprise and employment. Accessibility for vehicles and pedestrians might require more stringent parking and traffic controls. Issues of community well-being and the preservation of green spaces are covered, but the growing concern about inadequate accommodation for school pupils does not receive much attention.

The survey’s proposed priorities are based on responses received to date from public meetings, road shows, group discussions and workshops. These priorities have been discussed with landowners, developers, architects and other interested agencies.

After checking that the objectives conform to the National Planning Policy Framework and the Rother District Council’s Core Strategy, the final plan will then be subject to a formal consultation and vote, which will need the support of at least 50% of those voting to qualify for official recognition.

To encourage a prompt response to the survey, Rye residents are to be offered the opportunity of entering a prize draw, with a £100 prize for winner and a £50 prize for the runner up. The names of the lucky winners will be announced in September.

Photograph by Anthony Kimber

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