Have your say on louts


A recent poll on the website of Sussex Police and Crime Commissioner Katy Bourne showed that anti-social behaviour is a big concern for local people, with littering, drug and alcohol misuse, and inconsiderate driving and parking topping the list of issues local people are experiencing most often.

Community remedy, which forms part of the Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act (2014), is designed to introduce simpler and more effective powers for tackling lower level crimes. It is also designed to provide victims, should they want it, a say in how an offender will make amends for the matter if the crime warrants an out of court settlement.

From October this year victims of crime will be able to choose from a list of options and police officers will be responsible for ensuring the reparation is administered. This may include compensation for damage caused or repairing the damage themselves, such as removing graffiti.

The Commissioner is seeking opinions on what these options should be in Sussex, to ensure they reflect the views of the local communities.

The consultation will close at midnight on 30 September. A survey can be completed online. Printed copies of the survey are being distributed at a number of events around the county and can also be requested from the Commissioner by calling 01273-481561 or in writing to: Office of the Sussex Police & Crime Commissioner, Sackville House, Brooks Close, Lewes, East Sussex, BN7 2FZ.



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