Time to remember

Rye parish church and War Memorial

The Remembrance Service this year will be held in St Mary’s parish church on Sunday November 12 at 10:55am. All are welcome. Participants should be in the church by 10:50am.

The service will be preceded by a parade of service, civil and youth organisations from Adams in the High Street via the Town Hall, leaving at 10:30am, where the Mayor will inspect and take the salute.

After the service there will be a short ceremony at the War Memorial in the churchyard where there will be the observation of a minute’s silence and the laying of wreaths and crosses.

(Source: British Legion)




Main photo: Kenneth Bird

Image Credits: Kenneth Bird .

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  1. This year, during the service we will be laying up the RAFA Standard as the organisation has recently closed. At the Memorial we will remember the 1917 fallen and two more recent casualties: Corporal John Rigby killed in Iraq in 2007 and Fusilier Stephen Satchell in the First Gulf War of 1991.

    President Rye RBL


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