Rye Neighbourhood Plan

A voice for the community

Dee Alsey interviews Tracy Dighton, uncovering her passion and vision for working with the local community in Rye in the latest installment of the Ryers Unwrapped series

Countdown to the future

The shape of Rye to come is contained in a neighbourhood plan survey. Every household in the town received a copy. This weekend is the deadline for your views on the issues it raises

Where to put new homes

By 2028 hundreds of new homes could have been built in Rye and Rye Harbour. The neighbourhood plan wants your view on where they should go

Our views are needed

Time is fast running out: the Rye Neighbourhood Plan survey must be returned by July 27. One resident gives her views on subjects from parks to parking in the hope that others will be motivated to complete the survey as well

Heart of the community

What makes a community centre a raging success? The organisers behind the centre at Crowborough seem to know, so interested parties from Rye went to find out

Survey on Rye’s future

Rye's Neighbourhood Plan survey is due to be printed after...

Residents’ views sought

People of Rye are to be surveyed in June about the town's Neighbourhood Plan priorities

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