Horse crowned Comedy King


Rescue horse Wally and his Rye-based rehomers, Roger and Trish Pickett, are celebrating, after Wally was crowned winner of the ‘Funniest Anecdote’ category in World Horse Welfare’s annual Rehomed Horse of the Year Awards.

Olympic dressage rider and former British Olympic Team Captain Richard Davison judged the category, which asked rehomers to enter a story or comment describing their equine’s comedy quirks. Richard put Wally in the top spot thanks to his entertaining antics which include: grinning for a peppermint, peeing on command, carrying logs around the field , and stealing Roger’s walking stick.

Richard Davison said: “All three nominations are brilliant and all deserve the award. But if I have to choose a winner, then Wally has the edge.

“I just loved the images of Wally peeing on command, and removing Dad’s walking stick. It must be chaotic ensuring Wally pees precisely on cue, while Dad is sending maydays from halfway down the field because his walking stick has been removed. What must the neighbours think?”

Roger rehomed Wally from World Horse Welfare’s Hall Farm Rescue and Rehoming Centre as a companion, more than 13 years ago, and Wally has more than fulfilled his role as a loyal friend and five star entertainer for the whole Pickett family.

Trish said: “Wally is the comedian of our household, never failing to amuse and amaze us. He more than earns his keep as a companion by providing entertainment and boundless pleasure on a daily basis. Even with arthritis problems, and at the age of 21, his sunny, impish disposition always shines through.

“Wally’s peeing on command trick began rather accidentally. Each time I hang his haynet up I refuse to let him tug at it so tell him ‘Wally go and pee’ which he does. Unfortunately he now pre-empts me and has his pee before I am halfway into the stable!”

“He is mischievous, loves life and, at the same time, is a real gentleman. Wally responds so well to love and kindness and returns both in abundance. He is a real joy and we are so blessed to have him with us.”

World Horse Welfare’s annual rehomed horse of the year competition invites nominations from its 1,700 World Horse Welfare horses and ponies currently out in homes around the country, celebrating their stories as part of its ‘Rehome a Horse’ month. Three categories were open for entries including Funniest Anecdote, Biggest Achievement and Faithful Friend. The Supreme Championship winner will be announced on Friday October 2.

World Horse Welfare marked a 10 year record last year, with 300 horses rehomed – and the charity hopes to exceed this number in 2015. World Horse Welfare deputy chief executive and head of UK, Tony Tyler, said: “We are delighted to see the public’s greater interest in rehoming, which is so important to the sustainability of our work in helping horses.

“We have worked hard to promote the variety and quality of our horses and ponies, as well as the genuine advantages of rehoming over buying or breeding. Our rehoming scheme groups horses into several categories, dependent on their age, experience and suitability for different activities. It covers everything from non-ridden companions to those with potential to make competition horses.”

You can find out more about rehoming at:

Photo : Roger Pickett

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