Obituary: Neil Davenport


Neil Davenport’s funeral took place on Saturday, June 12 at St Michael’s Church, Playden. Neil died in his beloved home after a short illness.

Neil and his wife Joy moved to Playden in 1976 and had celebrated 45 years in the same house.  He was involved in the life of Playden from the outset, helping out at the youth club which had been started by Revd Peter Carmichael, the curate.

Neil served on Playden Parish Council from 1977 until 2003, as chairman from 1989. In this capacity, he was a governor of St Michael’s School, Playden and served a term as chairman. Neil was also an active member of the Friends of Playden Church and was treasurer for over a decade. He was also a keen member of Rye U3A, coordinating the theatre appreciation group with Joy.

From 1975, Neil had worked at Dungeness B power station, retiring in 2001 from his post as reactor physics manager.

He loved travelling and after his retirement, organised many holidays worldwide with Joy, visiting every continent, including a memorable trip to Antarctica. For him the epitome of his travel agent role was the 2017 eclipse trip to America where he planned, booked and supervised the family group of 12 travelling to Oregon for the total eclipse of the sun.

He was ‘one in a million’ and will be greatly missed by his family and many friends. He is survived by his wife of 52 years, Joy, his three children and six grandchildren.

Image Credits: Joy Davenport .

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