Rother Youth Group hold fete


Rother Youth Group, held their first ever ‘Summer Fete’ on Saturday July 23 and had traditional games available such as ‘Hook a Duck and Panning for Gold’ as well as a cake sale, strawberries and cream and the of course a tombola and raffle.

There were also some guest stalls, Usborne Books, Neal Yards, World Challenge and Children’s puzzles.

The fete raised a fantastic £248.03! This will ensure that the group can purchase new equipment and they have a trip planned for October. The Youth group continues to meet every Thursday 5:30pm-6:30pm for 7yrs-11yrs and 6pm-7pm for 11yrs+, at St Mary’s Centre next to the Kino cinema in Lion street.

Activities planned for August include a Craft Night on August 4; a family photo shoot on August  11; a meeting at the Salts, Fishmarket Road  for a kick around and treasure hunt on August 25; and planning to build a trailer for Rye Bonfire Night on September 1, again at St Mary’s Centre.  Meg Stone, the  18 year old student who formed the group in March this year, is also planning to start a new group in Tilling Green.

Please do just pop along if you are interested, if you would like any further information please contact Meg Stone on 07539957751. Or look up our Facebook page ‘Rother Youth Group’





Photo: Kenneth Bird

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