Day service at Magdala House


A new day service for older people has been opened at Magdala House, Ferry Road, Rye.

Andrew Blackman, Lord Lieutenant, about to cut the tape, accompanied by Peter Carcas charity         chairman and Helen Barraclough CEO.

It is being run by by ETC Sussex, a local charity, working with the support of East Sussex County Council. The centre was officially declared open on Tuesday November 7 by HM Lord-Lieutenant for East Sussex, Andrew Blackman CstJ., in the presence of guests and clients.

On arrival, we were welcomed by the charity’s chairman Peter Carcas and his fellow trustees. Among the guests were Michael Foster, former MP for Rye and Hastings and also Daliea Redman who had been a senior carer at Magdala House in the 1990s.

The centre provides specialist support for people with dementia and older people with disabilities. As well as offering carers a well-deserved break, clients can enjoy a range of activities, including games, gentle exercise, quizzes, singing and dancing.

ETC has been operating successfully from Marlborough House in St Leonards for several years. Now bringing the service to rural Rother, the centre is open two days a week on Tuesdays and Thursdays, but there are plans for further opening days as the service develops.

To make use of the service will cost from £70 per day including lunch when day care service opens or £35 per half day including lunch. Funding may be available through social care direct.

For further information on the service provided contact the ETC team:
Answerphone: 07715 666 470
Mobile: 07828 849 215

Image Credits: Kenneth Bird .

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