New verge is Bournes


Bournes of Newenden, who run the Greenscape garden supply company, have been publicly thanked and congratulated for their action in restoring a grass verge that was crushed by one of their lorries. The company has rebuilt and reseeded the verge for several yards either side of the corner crossed by their lorry.

A spokesman for Winchelsea Heritage said, “We have written to Bournes to say how pleased residents are with their very responsible behaviour.” The grass verges are one of the great features of Winchelsea, but Winchelsea Heritage say they are being destroyed by inconsiderate traffic and parking.

“We have large vehicles delivering to the school, lorries blindly following satnavs, and thoughtless visitors and residents. Meanwhile, East Sussex County Council appear to have abdicated all responsibility for this area of the highway and the parish council does not even recognise the problem. Bourne’s action is a rare shaft of light in an otherwise gloomy picture”.

Photo: Richard Comotto

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