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Local information and community groups

Rye is a small historic town at the eastern end of Sussex. It is situated at the confluence of the Rivers Rother, Brede and Tillingham and now lies some 2 miles from the mouth of the River Rother. The population of Rye Town has remained little changed over the past sixty years at some 4,500, but with the contiguous parts of Rye Foreign and Playden, its population rises to over 5,000. Rye Harbour has a further 500 permanent residents.

Rye Emergency Action Community Team

Rye Mutual Aid non statutory body coordinating community support for the vulnerable during Covid 19 across 21p zones in Eastern Rother. REACT

Rye Neighbourhood Plan

Rye Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group recognised by the Local Authority looking after residual Neighbourhood Plan issues. Rye Neighbourhood Plan

Voluntary Groups

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