Adult learning in 2019


The Rye branch of the WEA (the UK’s largest charity specialising in adult education) has announced three weekly courses across a broad range of subjects starting in the New Year.

First up is Practical Gardening, which kicks off on Monday January 7 at 11:30am. There will be 10 weekly sessions, lead by experienced gardening tutor Jackie White, all lasting for two hours. Although it is the depths of winter it is time to get started preparing for the spring when gardens of all sizes and locations will start growing.

So why not join a warm, friendly course where experiences and knowledge are shared – usually over cake & coffee! The course is suitable for all and takes place in Udimore Village Hall, Church Lane, Udimore TN31 6BB.

Learn to paint

Two days later, on Wednesday January 9, at the St Mary’s Centre in Lion Street, Rye TN31 7LB, a course called Practical Art: Water Colour & Drawing opens its doors to learners. Doesn’t matter whether you are a beginner or experienced or what level of skill you believe you have, the course really is suitable for all! From 2pm to 4pm for 10 weeks the tutor Judy Sillem will help you discover and hone your skills in the company of and with the encouragement of other artists!

President Lincoln

And at the start of February St Mary’s Centre in Rye will be the venue for a fascinating course called US Presidents: The Office & The Men. Starting on Monday February 4, from 2pm to 4pm, the tutor is Karen Chang, who was born in Hawaii and educated in California. This term we will look at the US Presidents just before and through the Civil War from Zachary Taylor to Abraham Lincoln and see how they shaped their country’s history and our world! Of course, everyone knows Abe, but just as fascinating are the stories of those lesser-known Presidents under whose watch the country marched relentlessly to a bloody civil war.

All courses are £86 for 10 two-hour sessions and concessions may be available. To enrol, call the WEA on 0300 3033464 or go to or ring Jackie White on 01424 815292. Booking is recommended!

Image Credits: Gillian Roder , Archive .

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