Wurlitzer’s Christmas concert


A near capacity audience enjoyed a very special festive evening on Friday, December 6 at Rye College, which this year was attended by the Lord Lieutenant of East Sussex, Peter Field.

Members of Rye Wurlitzer Academy with Peter Field, Lord Lieutenant of East Sussex and Barry Blakelock, executive head of Rye College

The principal tutor of Rye Wurlitzer Academy (RWA) and acclaimed theatre organist Michael Wooldridge put the 94 year old historic Wurlitzer organ through its festive paces along with cameo pieces by senior RWA Students. The Kent Police Male Voice Choir (shown above) made a welcome return after a 14 year gap with a fine programme of pieces.

The evening was compered as always by Founder & Chairman of RWA Richard Moore and the evening raised £993.00 for this very special and unique teaching project.

Our next event is February 7 next year with the welcome return of the Undercover Shadows. Reservations are now being taken.

Source: Rye Wurlitzer Academy

Image Credits: Courtesy of Rye Wurlitzer Academy .

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