We want your photos


Now that we are all self isolating at home, we wondered if it would brighten up the columns of Rye News if we added a photo feature. We thought it would be great to see all the different aspects of Rye from your windows, as you gaze longingly at the world outside.

If you would send us the photos from, or indeed of, if you didn’t mind, your “Room with a View, then we could (literally) have lots of points of view! At the end of all of this we could then post a gallery to remind us all what we possibly never want to look at again.

If you would like to write a short piece about the view, a pithy caption or tell us the place pictured, that would be very interesting.

Send your photos to us by email at info@ryenews.org.uk  or use the submit a story button at the top. To get started, my view (and ducks) is the image at the top of the page.

Image Credits: Gillian Roder .

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