Rye Bowls open to all


Rye Bowls held their promised Open Day on Saturday April 25 to encourage non-members to come along and try their hand.

The day was a great success, with many of the current members showing the ‘newbies’ how it was done or, in one case, being shown, themselves, by an experienced player who had previously played in London. After a cup of tea at around 10.00 a.m. we waited in trepidation for the hoped-for new members to arrive. An hour later the first person turned up to be followed by a steady trickle of others (two of whom decided just to have a cup of tea and watch!) and by 4pm. four people had filled in the new member application forms and were subsequently approved by the committee – a very satisfactory outcome.

The following day’s Yardstick competition (designed to allow members a practice session for the season ahead) sadly had to be cancelled due to the weather.

The first competitive game of the season was played on Wednesday against the Hastings club, Clive Vale. Rye fielded four teams of three players each and after 18 ends – punctuated by breaks for rain and tea – Rye won by 71 points to 64. Rye ladies also played, and won, their first match on Tuesday against Ham Street.

Anyone who is interested and missed the open day can contact Rosemary Crouch, vice captain, on 01424 814453 or email rosemarycrouch@mypostoffice.co.uk.

Photo: Rye Bowls Club

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