A ‘salty’ book group


Book groups are springing up all over the place and I attended the new club at Salts Farm in East Guldeford, just outside Rye by the Camber turning, recently.


We were an eclectic collection of women and one brave man and I always question why so few men are interested in joining a book group.

Over a free cup of coffee we got to know each other before starting the housekeeping and discussion about how best to make the group fun, interesting, not too formal and, most importantly, how to choose future books.

After a lengthy discussion it was decided that all of us would suggest a book title next time, then we would make a list and work through it democratically at each meeting.

We also realized that we had a problem – too many eager readers (15-17) and that we would need to  divide into two groups, especially if more individuals join at the next meeting which is on February 25 at 10:30am.  (The club meets on the last Thursday of every month).

The book we are reading this month is “After Anna” by Alex Lane. After the meeting was over, some of us lingered and sampled some of the lovely options for a lunch bite.

Salts Farm Shop is a wonderful venue selling local produce, free range meat, fresh bread/eggs, “Cook” ready meals and much more.


Photos : Heidi Foster

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