Medieval warbow in Winchelsea


On Saturday August 20, the Winchelsea Archaeological Society (WAS) will be hosting archery expert Mark Stretton for a detailed talk and demonstration about the medieval warbow, the scourge of the French during the Hundred Years War (the last time we tried to remain in Europe?).

The event will be held at the New Hall in Winchelsea from 11am to noon and then from 1pm to 3:30pm. It was decided to run this extended event after Mark spoke in Winchelsea last year and was swamped with questions. Audience members asked WAS for another chance to hear him.

For all who attended the last talk, it was a revelation. Myths were exploded and misconceptions corrected but the most common comment was about the sheer power of the bow. Mark is one of country’s foremost experts on medieval archery and is able to speak from long personal experience and experimentation with the longbow. Among other things, he holds the world record for the most powerful draw on a bow, some 200lb!

All are welcome to the talk, which is free to WAS members and £4 for non-members.

Image: Pinterest

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