
Getting enough to live on

Should the poor will be always with us? The Government seems to be doing its best to ensure the maxim holds true, writes Charlie Harkness. Even people 'in work' are struggling to afford basic necessities. And these days, being in work could mean anything from a zero hours contract, through low wages topped up by benefits, to a high flying salary enjoyed by the few

That new building

Please remove the boarding on the Cinque Ports Street...

Airport numbers create problems

Last week's story on Lydd Airport's possible growth got its numbers muddled, but eagle-eyed reader Andy Stuart possibly pinpoints a greater, and maybe more realistic, problem than plane crashes. Planes equal people equal parking problems, even if in some distant future high speed Javelin trains went direct to Lydd. Charles Harkness looks at the numbers again

How to get ‘localism’ here

The Government claims to support devolution of its powers to the local level but is this happening?. The Localism Act introduced more powers for local councils and the Neighbourhood Plan but will this be enough? Former long-serving Town Councillor Granville Bantick reviews the situation and makes a recommendation for radical reform of local government

Bexhill – ‘You do not exist’

Should our Landgate be a political bellwether and survive or fall at the behest of political dogma. One article this weeks seems to thinks so. Here John Minter takes a different view

Still apparently forgotten

Why do we ignore VJ Day? Isn't it time to remember the men who fought the bitterest campaign of the last war?

New building takes breath away

The first time I saw this "building" was walking...

Another blow to Landgate’s body

Landgate, oh Landgate, watch us with pity when we creep through your concussed arch, pursued by guilt and regret as we manage to leave an even worse world to our grandchildren than the world we inherited from war and holocaust

This August in ‘Fixtures’

Imagine an allotment where you can’t brew a cup...

Better than previous eyesore?

A new building is nearly finished. The landmark crane is finally removed. But is it "simply hideous" as one reader writes in a letter, or will it fit in with other Rye frontages ? Or is it part of "skyline creep" hiding and obscuring Rye's historic rooftops. Kenneth Bird has an opinion.

New building ‘simply hideous’

Have you seen that ghastly new building in Cinque...

Rethink for Tilling Green?

Local resident John Wylie thinks a change must be made to plans for Tilling Green redevelopment

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