Oil&Water Autumn Exhibition
Week one (9-14 Oct) features well known French artists Gerard Mortier and Georges Cabot, with sought after London based artists Henrietta Stuart and Katharine Rowe. They will be joined by the award winning young Sussex sculptor Alisha Gent. There will be open afternoons including refreshments 12 – 1700 on Saturday and Sunday 12th and 13th October – all welcome.
Week two (15-21 Oct) highlights the ever popular artwork of Jane Atkinson and Anne O’Driscoll, whose reputations stretch far beyond their Kentish homeland. They will display a rich variety of art including oils, prints, charcoal sketches and unique hand-made ceramics.
If you would like to attend the private view at 12 noon on Sunday 20th October, contact anneeodee@yahoo.co.uk