Terence Ayling Open Studio
Terence Ayling will be opening The White House Studio in Dixter Road, Northiam as part of this year’s South East Open Studios. His pictures are detailed studies in oil, most with a strong emphasis on light and shade, with Terence finding his inspiration in local lanes and fields.
This year, Terence will be selling his prints and originals at half price to make way for exciting new work.
South East Open Studios celebrates the extraordinary range of creativity in the South East, with artists throwing open their studio doors to the public for 17 days. Visitors can tour and explore unusual studio spaces from custom sheds to remote workshops, beachside galleries to beautiful purpose-built studios. Seeing the creativity artists put into their work spaces can be as fascinating as the art itself, and throughout the event many artists will be demonstrating in their studios. It’s the perfect opportunity to meet the creators behind distinctive and inspiring artworks, including ceramics, sculpture, glasswork, painting, printmaking and textiles.
Many studios are family-friendly, offering adults and children the chance to ask questions and find out about a new skill. If you’ve ever daydreamed of yourself as a painter, potter or jeweller, this could be your first step in a new adventure
Pick up a brochure from many sites or check online at www.seos-art.org