They did it!


Let’s face it, to attempt and complete a half marathon is quite an achievement, to complete a full marathon takes huge amounts of stamina and determination in equal measures and it is a magnificent achievement, but to walk 32 miles in one day is taking things to another level. What motivates someone to attempt this feat of endurance? Well, in the case of the team from Batcheller Monkhouse estate agents, they were honouring the memory of their colleague Richard Bingham who lost his life to bowel cancer.

After months of training, the day finally came and the team from the Battle office set off early last Saturday morning from Pevensey Castle, then winding around the Sussex countryside to finish at the Gun Garden in the centre of Rye, up the cobbles which were unwelcome to tired legs and sore feet. The team (pictured above) included (from left to right) Carly Williams, Lisa Kerry, Phil Bingham, Fiona Taylor, Jodie Eglington and Andrea Furness.

Bluebells along the way brought back memories.

Richard’s brother Phil travelled down from Oxford to take part and along the way boosted morale with some great family stories, including how Richard used to annoyingly play with Phil’s Lego structures, when Phil was adamant it wasn’t for playing with.

Recalling stories of Richard in the office brought many smiles and helped the team eat up the miles, his party piece was to flick paper clips to get your attention but he gave the best hugs. Phil shared a smile when he heard that the answerphone in the office still has Richard’s voice, and his photos are dotted around the office in memory.

Memories are made of these

32 miles is a long way by anyone’s standards but a welcome break came in the form of brief respite at the half way point in Battle, where Richard was based. A wonderful surprise had been laid on, a huge tray bake of Richard’s favourite ‘pink cake’, courtesy of Battle Bakes and Cake and a much needed  opportunity to refuel before starting the second stage.

All along the route there were so many bluebells, more than any of the team had remembered, especially poignant as these were Richard’s favourite flowers.

The weather couldn’t have been better, sunshine, blue skies and no wind, not too hot and ideal for the task in hand and so, around a mile from the finish Richard’s nieces, sister-in-law and Tango the dog joined in which motivated all to push for the finish line.

After climbing Mermaid Street the finish line was in sight.

A target of £1,000 was set with all funds going to Bowel Cancer UK but to date, that target has more than doubled and is still rising, thanks to the sterling efforts of all from Batcheller Monkhouse, their friends, families and supporters. Richard would have celebrated with his favourite pint of Harveys, but the team raised their glasses in his memory and enjoyed a few well earned glasses of bubbles.

Team Batcheller Monkhouse reach the finish at Gun Garden

Congratulations to all who took part, Richard would have been proud of each and every one of you.

This is the type of article which keeps Rye News real, my thanks must go out to Andrea Furness for her help in putting this article together and for sending in the photographs.

If you wish to donate there’s still time, please go to

Thank you for your support.

Image Credits: Batcheller Monkhouse .

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