Time to vote on June 27


Next Thursday, June 27 will be your opportunity to vote, at last, on Rye’s Neighbourhood Plan which gives the town a better say in any planning decisions made about the town.

Voting will take place between 7am and 10pm with the polling stations situated at Badger Gate, Udimore Road and Rye Community Centre, Conduit Hill.

The arguments for voting in favour were set out in last week’s Rye News, and the town council has been heavily involved in the process of consulting everybody about the plan over a number of years as the plan developed.

Rye has 3,619 voters eligible to take part in the referendum and more than 50% of those who vote must be in favour for the plan to be accepted.

Around 2,000 neighbourhood plans are in the process of being put together nationwide, with 600 complete to date.

The plan is lengthy and detailed, but it needs to be if the interests of this historic town and its residents are to be protected.

As I have a postal vote (due to age) I have already voted “Yes” and I would urge all voters to take part in the referendum.

Mayor Mike Boyd with the Neighbourhood Plan in the Town hall lobby

Image Credits: John Minter , Kenneth Bird .

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