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East Sussex County Council

Pavements and payouts

How does East Sussex decide which potholes and pavements to repair? That is a question that is puzzling residents of Winchelsea after the county council agreed to repair one area of pavement but not the identically damaged one opposite....and meanwhile the council's payouts on pothole damages has tripled to a regional high

Is East Sussex cutting corners?

Winchelsea prizes its grass verges. Many are kept in pristine condition by proud residents. The rest are cut by contractors employed by the county council and Highways Agency, who leave a mess of uncollected hay

Controlling interests

Our reporter's description of who controls the county council is challenged by a Tory member of Rother District Council

Hospitals losers in bus cuts

Almost a hundred bus services are affected across East Sussex by cuts in subsidies proposed by the Tory-controlled county council. Here's how they could hit public transport to two local hospitals and other services

326 bus route in firing line

Rye's "round the town" bus service - route 326 - is the focus of efforts to stop funding cuts by the Tory-controlled county council. Almost a hundred bus services are affected by the proposed cuts to subsidies across East Sussex.  See the details here on how they could hit public transport to two local hospitals and other services

Bus cuts planned

Age UK has warned repeatedly that cuts to rural bus services harm and isolate the elderly. Cuts proposed by East Sussex fly in the face of this advice

Road repairs farce

With the main street in Winchelsea breaking up, residents were looking forward to the resurfacing promised by East Sussex Highways; but the wait continues.

Sign of the times

Every year local roads are plagued with hoardings advertising caravan sales and the unofficial signage is soon removed, but this year the signs look suspiciously like genuine AA signs

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