The calm before the storm


Saturday, November 9 started off dry and sunny but as expected, the rain clouds soon gathered with intermittent showers in readiness for the evening’s forecasted deluge but as the saying goes, ‘the show must goes on’. A few drops of rain won’t dampen the spirits of the organisers and public, after all, 25 years of bonfires in Rye is an occasion worth remembering.

The bonfire looks impressive, even from a distance.

A huge amount of planning and effort has gone into arranging the procession,  bonfire and firework display which will be covered by Rye News in a separate article and rather than write a detailed description on what was happening around the town today I thought a collage of photos would tell the story just as effectively and show the ‘before’ preparations which were executed with precision and expertise by the huge well organised team who make it all happen.

With huge crowds expected for what is the biggest event on the Rye cultural calendar each year, the emphasis as always was on safety and effective crowd control. The following morning the street cleaners were up and about very early, it’s not just any old Sunday, the town needed to be spotless in time for Remembrance Sunday where Saturday’s fireworks were replaced with a single cannon at 11am, precisely.

Image Credits: Nick Forman .

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