Positive thinking . . .


Just a response to the disappointment of your story Missing councillors [Rye News, October 23].  Individuals have, of course, the right to complain but it would really be nice if, occasionally, the positive things would be noted by the public, like some councillors attending every planning and Rye Town Council meeting, reading copious emails and the mayor /deputy mayor giving a lot of their private time.

Heidi Foster
Councillor Rye

Footnote: the answer is to send us a positive story. In the past month the mayor, Bernadine Fiddimore, has been the lead story in Rye News on two occasions through her efforts to support our town’s heritage and its citizens. In case you missed them, here are the links: Hats off to hospital fundraisers (with a video clip of the mayor on the catwalk) and Mayor leads way to save Landgate

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