Rockets – and road closures


Motorists will start to feel the pinch of Rye’s Bonfire Night from 16.30 on November 8. That’s when the ban on parking along the procession route starts. Any vehicles found on the route will be removed by recovery trucks. These town centre streets will be closed to traffic from about 19:30 to 21:30.

The A259 Folkestone to Hastings trunk route will also be closed – both sides of the town – between roughly 19.30 and 21:30 to allow the procession and crowds to pass. Through traffic from Dover/Folkestone to Hastings/Eastbourne is advised to use the M20/A28 route, via Tenderden and Northiam, leaving the motorway at junction 9.

For car parking, Gibbet Marsh is close to the procession start point at Mason Road, just off to the other side of the Udimore Road, B2089. There is a disabled parking concession for up to 20 vehicles (Blue Badge holders only) at the east end of the station car park, approximately 300 metres from the bonfire site. Although no specific disabled parking exists at the Bedford Place car park (opposite Skinners garage on the junction of A259/A268), if you arrive early a good view is possible without having to move too far with a wheelchair. Please be aware that it is unlikely that vehicles will be able to leave town centre car parks before 22:30.



Source: Rye Bonfire Society

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