Commuter report on new timetable


After two months of the new timetable this is feedback I am getting as a result of speaking to people on the train. Most regular commuters still hate the new peak timetable as they now are normally leaving early in the morning or arriving later in the evening, or both.
One bit of good new is that at present the Rye shuttle is proving to be reliable with only a few cancellations so far. As the majority of commuters are now catching the 7:16am shuttle from Rye in the morning, and the 5:54pm shuttle from Ashford in the evening this reliability is welcome.
For those travelling at peak times from Rye to Ashford using HS1 a very useful piece of consumer advice is to buy a return to Luton.  This is valid on HS1 and costs £54, a saving of £20 on the cost of a ticket just to St Pancras.

Photo: Rye News library

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