Oh what a fun weekend of bowls!

There were no inter-club matches for Rye Bowls Club a couple of weekends back, instead it was one of the most pleasurable periods in our year.  On Saturday August 18 the Rye Ladies challenged the Rye Men to a ‘no holds barred’  friendly match and the ladies used all of these tactics to distract the Men who were perfect gentlemen at all times!  Due to a shortage of ladies we were only able to play two games of threes.
Team 1 comprised;.
Ladies – Celia Kember, lead – Sandra Romeo, second and Carole Osborne, skip
Men – Monty Crouch 1st half Don Williams 2nd half, lead – Dave Harrison, second – Rowland Gardner skip
Despite barracking from Celia and Sandra the men managed a convincing win of 26 shots to 8
Team 2 comprised;
Ladies – Annette Bull lead – Eileen Peck second and Rosemarie Crouch skip
This time the Ladies successfully distracted the Men and won by 22 shots to 10.
Overall the Men won by 2 shots!
To the ladies who live in Rye and the surrounding areas Rye bowls club needs you!
Please email Margaret Everest mrgteverest@gmail.com or Rowland Gardner rowlie.99@gmail.com
is you are interested or would like more details.
On Sunday August 19 there was not so much a match, more of a melee when Rye Fire Brigade gave their annual challenge to the bowlers of Rye. The firefighters  arrived in their fire engine and assorted vehicles with their wives, families and various delicacies, including crates of beer and random desserts for the after-match celebrations. Nobody is quite sure, or concerned, of the final scores, suffice it to say that we only played 12 ends because everyone wanted to get started with the barbecue which was professionally prepared by Don Williams. This was followed by the desserts, a huge trifle, apple pies, various fruit crumbles etc. there was so much food left over that several players and firefighters went home with containers tucked under their arms for later consumption.

Photo: Rowland Gardner

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