Proposal for online radio


We are at the beginning of a period unprecedented in modern history, with conditions many will find hard to face.

In times such as this modern mass communication comes into its own. There is information regarding the international, national and even more importantly, local situation that needs to be disseminated quickly and properly.

Whilst many turn to the latest forms of social media to do this such as Facebook and Twitter, it’s a fact that many of the target audience most in need of advice and information, whilst probably au-fait with using the internet, are often wary of these platforms.

By and large, this cohort have grown up with radio and it’s a medium they trust. Radio Rye would like to utilise this to provide a local radio service, initially delivered via the internet, to provide a calm, sensible source of relevant information to the residents of Rye at this difficult time.

Radio Rye logo

Who are we?
We are a small group of radio professionals living in and around Rye who have between them many years of experience with both the BBC and commercial radio in the fields of presentation, production and engineering. Managing the project is Andy Bantock, perhaps best known for his work as the Rye Arts Festival’s Technical Coordinator who has worked in radio since joining the BBC in the early 80s.. Joining him is Hugh Kermode, actor, audio book producer and also ex-BBC radio.

What do we propose?
The beauty of radio nowadays is that new technology has made it relatively simple to set up. There is initially no need for a physical studio, a simple PC hooked up to the internet will get us up and running.

Exactly what Radio Rye can provide depends on how much money we can raise. A service with music is £400 per annum more expensive than one without due to royalty payments. Whilst it’s the information that’s important, the addition of music allows the service to have a wider appeal.

There is an excellent rolling Covid-19 health information service currently available on the internet which we would incorporate along with hourly international and national news provided by Feature Story News.

We will use local people to impart as much of the information as possible; local doctors and heath workers, councillors, mental health specialists etc. We would involve the local police and other emergency service personnel as well.

We obviously hope that the current Coronavirus emergency will abate soon but we believe that, even after things return to normal (or what will pass for normal then), Radio Rye can carry on in a similar vein and hopefully blossom with perhaps a move to a broadcast medium like FM or DAB.

We are aiming to raise an initial sum of £3,000 to cover the full entertainment/information service as we believe this could develop into a valuable local community resource. This figure covers a full year of broadcasting including a comprehensive web presence to back up the audio delivery. All presentation, production and engineering input will be provided free-of-charge and we will endeavour to secure advertising and sponsorship to cover future costs.

You can contact Andy Bantock by email at

Image Credits: Kenneth Bird , Radio Rye .

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