Wind blows Guldeford fete inside


On Saturday August 20, with winds sweeping across the marsh and gusting to gale force, even the brave inhabitants of East Guldeford were forced to change their plans for the church fete and it was removed to the inside of St Mary’s Church.

The BBQ, banned from indoors, took shelter outside at the back of the church and, despite the conditions, managed to cook lamb burgers and sausages for many of the almost 100 people who attended. In addition there was tea and delicious cake home-baked by the ladies of the village as well as stalls with fresh local produce and craft items. Entertainment was provided by local folk musicians.

This was a good turn out from one of the smallest villages in East Sussex with just 30 houses and around 70 residents. Services are held at St Mary’s at 9am on the first Sunday of each month.

Photo: Dennis Leeds-George

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