Finishing post in sight for Plan


Rye’s Neighbourhood Plan looks as though it is at the beginning of the end, according to the Steering Group’s Vice-Chairman Anthony Kimber.

A new slimmed down version is emerging with much of the supporting evidence separated off in a separate section. The plan itself has shrunk from 148 pages to 84 and the final stage will be when Rye votes in a referendum on whether to agree the plan.

There are still some hoops to jump through, though, before a vote. Rother recently advised that the plan was too long, containing too much detail and this has been addressed by removing a lot of background information – important, but not necessarily part of the plan itself – to a separate document called Background Evidence Paper. 

Funding has been obtained for a Neighbourhood Plan consultant and Rother – from whom there has been little input for some time – have allocated their new NP adviser, Frank Rallings to give Rye priority. He has stated that the plan is “almost there” and after final tidying up it will move on to the consultation stage, scheduled for January 2018.

Version 8 of the Plan can be found here. This is the unabridged 148-page version and the shortened version 9 will be published on line in the near future.

Photo: Rye Neighbourhood Plan

Image Credits: Rye News library .

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