Bowls score, the rest lose out


Rother District Council’s neglect of the Salts, used by both Rye United FC and Rye Cricket Club, nearly led to one cricket match being cancelled this summer –  but both clubs’ DIY efforts to resolve the problems have been rebuffed or blocked by the council or its contractors.

Rye United suffered for two to three years from lack of maintenance to the pitch at the Salts. But when the club hired an expert to work on the pitch before their vital FA Vase trophy game against Guernsey in January 2013, they were contacted by Rother requesting sight of the contractor’s public liability insurance. The council then warned the club not to carry out any further work on the pitch due to health and safety regulations.

The cricket club suffered numerous bad reports from umpires during this cricket season. The wicket at the Salts was rated 40th out of 40 teams’ pitches and so bottom of the table – although the team scored a lot better. The club offered to work on the wicket at their own cost as they did not feel the contractor knew how to prepare a wicket properly, but this offer was refused by the council due to, you guessed it, health and safety issues.

However the bowls club appear to be happy with the state of their green, although the next door putting green (referred to in publicity for visitors) appears to have gone for good. And there appears to be no one on site if you want to organise an impromptu match.




Photo by Tony McLaughlin

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