Merchant and Mills


Country market blacked out

Friday's Country Market has been blacked out with drak drapes hanging from floor to ceiling and an entrance looking like the morning after a heavy party - not the usual surroundings for a market selling local produce, including flowers, vegetables, cakes and curries. Meet, for one weekend only, the Spectrum Jazz Lounge

Four coaches is step forward

Four-coach trains at last on the Marsh line - but only at weekends for the moment. But other improvements may be in the pipeline

Rye News takes stock

Rye News was launched last year after four months of experimenting and, four months later in September 2014, it got into its regular stride. So now, a year later, is a good time for an annual meeting to review progress and consider the future - on September 4 at 6:30pm in St Mary's Centre

Mayor visits Venetian fete

Rye mayor Bernadine Fiddimore together with other Cinque Port mayors attended the biannual Venetian Fete in Hythe with its procession of wonderful floats on the canal

Invitation from Friends

Tilling Green Community Friends (who befriend and look after...

This big red bus is so healthy

What have a Big Red Bus and the Conquest Hospital got in common ? The answer is Healthwatch, formerly called Community Health Councils. To find out more visit Jempson's Car Park in Rye Saturday September 5 between 9 and 12.

Learn how to save lives

One of the latest PADs to appear (that's a...

Tilling Green plans change

Extra parking, a larger hall in a new community centre, and a lower block of flats are among changes in new plans for the redevelopment of Tilling Green's former school site. These are on show for just a few days more in the old school building's entrance hall. But there are still lots of unanswered questions about the transition from the old to a new centre, and about whether developers housing association Amicus-Horizon are fully aware of current usage of the old school or how current users could be affected if there is no centre at all for a period. The centre is currently managed by the community organisation, Rye Partnership

Kino adds to the festival fare

Rye's new Kino cinema is rapidly settling into the community, with a children's day last week, jazz films and a terrace recital this weekend, a series of talks during next month's Arts Festival, and a range of special showings, including live drama, ballet and even rugby union

Kids’ event at the museum

Rye Castle Museum is holding a children's event this...

Hospital plans for future

Looking ahead to the future, Rye's Hospital is considering plans for a minor illness and injury unit, integrated local care and residential care. Barry Nealon reports

Bike crash spotlight on traffic

Traffic issues, and not just parking, feature frequently on Rye Town Council agendas - and came up again this week when councillors were looking at a "wish list" for actions to be taken in the town over the new council's lifetime, following the May elections

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