A right royal cadet


It is with great pleasure that I am able to announce that Marine Cadet Rylan of the Rye and District Sea and Royal Marines Cadets, has this week been appointed as one of the two Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports cadets for 2021. And, although Rylan has been selected, I continue to be immensely proud of all of our cadets who have shown great loyalty and adaptability during the last 12 months.

Rylan is one of our brightest, keenest cadets. Over the past few years we have seen his self confidence develop as he has matured, enabling him to take on increasing levels of responsibility within the unit. As one of our most experienced cadets, Rylan is frequently found mentoring and guiding younger cadets, giving them a calm, relaxed level of support, drawing on his vast wealth of experience, gained both within and outside of the cadet unit.

Rylan demonstrates all of the best characteristics of young people, showing boundless enthusiasm and clearly promoting the core values expected of a top cadet. I always know that once tasked with a project, Rylan will go the extra mile to ensure not only its success, but to ensure that it benefits junior members of the ship’s company. Because of this, he has been selected to plan and deliver a series of lessons to the younger Royal Marines cadet recruits, assisting a newly qualified adult instructor in making the section a growing success.

During these strange times, Rylan has continued to support the unit via our virtual parade nights, continuing to both learn himself, readying for a promotion board early in 2021 and also using his combined knowledge from being a Sea Cadet, and now Royal Marines cadet to help guide the younger cadets in the unit.

The Cinque Ports’ Mayors flanked by the Lord Warden’s cadets last year

Rylan has previously served as one of the Mayoral Cadets for the town of Winchelsea, a role that he took very seriously, acting as escort to the town dignitaries on a number of formal occasions including the Remembrance Parade and the Lord Warden’s Speaker’s Day when the Mayor of Winchelsea took up the speakership.

Rylan was regularly praised through his tenure by those at Town Hall for his hard work, commitment and dedication to civic events, so much so I was asked by the Mayor to break with tradition and keep Rylan on for a second year.

Outside of cadets, Rylan is a keen young sportsman, taking part regularly in rugby games and tournaments – and it is my belief that Rylan embodies the best that young cadets have to offer.

We continue to be active virtually and look forward to a time when we are able to meet face to face later in the year. We are still accepting new cadets in all areas, Junior Sea Cadets (ages 10-12) Sea Cadets (ages 12-18) and Royal Marines Cadets (ages 13-18). If any one is interested in joining us please contact me on coryescc@gmail.com.

Image Credits: Kenneth Bird , David Page .

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