Busy at the Rye Foodbank


The Rye Foodbank, perhaps predictably, was very busy on Wednesday 19 December when its doors opened for the last time before Christmas.  Thankfully, Rye College had made an exceptionally generous donation.  Students had been asked, if possible, to bring any spare food they would like to donate to those less fortunate than themselves.  The only stipulation was that the food was in date and that it was able to stay safe in a non-refrigerated environment.   A phenomenal amount was collected by Foodbank volunteers as the students showed overwhelming generosity towards those not able to afford extra food at this time of year.

Thanks to the generous donations of many local people and from Rye Churches Together, volunteers were able to distribute enough food for three meals per day for three days for over 100 people including 50 children, and the extra goods donated by Rye College were most welcome.   The regular store cupboards were much depleted, and all customers were given an extra box of festive fare as donated by the students of Rye College and other generous donors. This was most appreciated by all the visitors to the Rye Foodbank and did a great deal to spread a little Christmas cheer.

While every little helps in the approach to Christmas, the time of greatest need is in fact between Christmas and the New Year. The Rye foodbank and others in the area, including Hastings, are likely to be hard pressed to cope with demand over this period and so donations will still be very welcome. Donations can be brought to St Mary’s Church, where there is a collection point, or to the Foodbank behind Rye Baptist Church Cinque Ports Street between 12.30 and 3.00 pm on Wednesdays.

Image Credits: Mags Ivatts .

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