Dachshunds dash at Dixter


The annual dachshund dog show was held last Sunday morning, September 29, in the bottom field at Great Dixter House and Gardens in Northiam.

Sizzling sausages

An annual fun event, masterminded by Aaron Bertelsen, house manager and vegetable gardener, and his enthusiastic team of more gardeners, a cunning assault course for short-legged dogs – miniature and standard – was laid out across the cut grass of the meadow. Events included best dog in show, winner of the agility race and dachshund dash, other assorted events and of course sizzling sausages. Hot dogs anyone?

There were dachshunds and a few other hounds of an amazing assortment of breeds, sizes and colours. The popularity of the miniature was plain to see, long haired, short haired, brindle, grey (yes grey, rarely seen) dark brown, tan, all barking, yapping and playing about. Considering the numbers, a very friendly gathering was under way.

Agility race

Conifer and Miscanthus, the dog owners of Dixter and named as always after plants, behaved impeccably for once, although rumour has it that Conifer, usually the calmer of the two, became so overexcited that she selected the only large dog on the whole field and nipped him. Well, it was fun for dachshunds wasn’t it? Not labradors.

Due to the amusement to be had from watching dogs, owners and races, I am really unable to report any winners, except I believe Badger, a beautiful tan standard won best dog in show. Anyway, he was my favourite! I’m really not sure what happened to Lottie, Betsy, Hugo or Monty, but they were all entirely delightful and can I have one for Christmas?

Image Credits: Gillian Roder .

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