A garden unfurls its petals


Saturday June 4 gave people the rare opportunity to visit the Open Garden of Pam and Paddy Buxton in the Mint, Rye. Pam has opened her garden over many years for local charity ARRCC’s day services for adults with physical/sensory impairments and dementia, situated at the Creative Centre, Rye.

Knitted items and plants created by member of ARRCC
Knitted items and plants created by member of ARRCC

It is a magical garden with hidden corners to sit in amongst colour and lovely smells. As one walks through the gate an overwhelming lush beauty meets the eye, with a variety of flowers and shrubs, too many to itemize. Sitting with friends having a coffee, we admired the pond where water lilies were just about to open and I heard the admiration of strolling visitors: “This is the most beautiful garden in Rye.” (of course this is in the eye of the beholder) “Rousseau (primitive painter) would love this!”

There were also three stalls, great cakes, lovely plants and knitted articles made by members who attend the ARRCC Day Centre.

"You can take a picture but I want some of your lunch"
Rye Harbour inhabitant.

It was difficult to tear oneself away, but on the way out I came across a tall bush alive with buzzing busy bees and it certainly quickened my exit.

Just then the sun graced us with some warmth and I decided to cycle to Rye Harbour where a seagull was desperate to share my lunch but waited long enough before the attack, for me to take a photo. While they are  a nuisance, especially in town, I do think they are rather beautiful.

Photos by Heidi Foster

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  1. Thank you Pam for opening your garden, which I greatly enjoyed. I was on a brief visit from Edinburgh where I currently live, and we are hoping to relocate to Sussex/Kent. It was a lovely opportunity to enjoy a few moments inside your delightful garden, which was an inspiration to me.

    Kind regards,

    Mrs Sheena Ward, Edinburgh


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