Good year for Music Well


The Music Well, which offers music therapy, held its AGM on Tuesday, November 14. Some of  the people attending were from one of the projects it ran and talked about how much they enjoyed it and how much it helped. “Singing for better Breathing” was a three-month course financed by Hastings and Rother Health for Wellbeing. It was available in Camber, Rye Harbour and Winchelsea. Stephen Clift (chairman) and Rebecca Gilbert (professional singer) helped run it with an experienced music teacher.

Drumming session, very therapeutic

A short film was presented and singers told us just how much it helped them with their breathing as well as emotional and physical wellbeing, apart from their enjoying the social aspect. “I used to need three inhalers, now I only need two.” “I can now take a walk which I was not able to do, as I now know how to use my body when I become breathless and fearful”, were two of the comments. It was very encouraging and it was suggested the film should be shown to a wider audience, outside local areas, to help other people.

Liz Butt responds to an attendee at the AGM

The Music Well organised a party for participants in the project, with music input. They also organised a summer party in Little Orchard, West Street which Amber Rudd attended, when the drumming circle performed as well as a jazz band and the ukulele band. All these activities are to raise funds, as reserves quickly diminish when working with young children who have emotional issues (20 children at the moment) and who can have a free opportunity for music therapy. Latter was also provided for local schools with a contribution from them to the service. Unfortunately some schools cannot afford any more to to be part of the project as money is tight and The Music Well had to withdraw their sessions.

The Music Well benefits from the Mary Shipstone Memorial Fund which was set up when Mary sadly died in 2014. If anyone would like to help the fund and know more about her death go to ( Prior to her death she had benefited from music therapy with local therapist Liz Butt, who set up the The Music Well project in 2010. 

There was exciting news, the Jazz festival in 2018 is adopting The Music Well as its charity which hopefully will raise much-needed money to continue the worthwhile work. If you would like more information or help in any way please go to:

Photos: Heidi Foster and Music Well

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