Lights of Love


This Sunday, December 9, features the annual Lights of Love Service organised by St Michael’s Hospice in St Mary’s Church at the top of Rye’s Lion Street at 3pm.

Following the service the lights will be switched on at 4pm and refreshments provided.

All are welcome at the service conducted by St Mary’s Rector Canon David Frost. The preacher will be Hastings’ Conquest Hospital’s chaplain the Rev Graham Atfield.

Each year Lights of Love offer the opportunity to make a tangible act of remembrance for loved ones no longer with us in the form of dedicating a heart or star on a Lights of Love tree.

Trees decorated with Lights of Love will be at eight other venues in the area including Winchelsea’s St Thomas the Martyr (also at 3pm).

More details, at this late stage, can be found along with stars and hearts in St Mary’s just inside the main entrance.

Books of Remembrance will also be at each location along with the tree until the end of December. For more information or to make a donation visit St Michael’s Hospice website.

The service and the tree provide an opportunity over Christmas to read the often touching dedications and remind ourselves about those we will or may miss over Christmas or who we may lose in the year ahead.


Image Credits: Rye News library .

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